Global Music Awards
Gold Medal – Best of Show
Jose Soto (Costa Rica) is awarded Global Music Award’s best in show honors for his album The Ancestral Call, in the jazz category. The Ancestral Call is an innovative fusion album inspired by the Bribri people of Costa Rica, exploring cultural themes of ancestral knowledge, social values, and the culture’s survival through colonization. This album features a string quartet and jazz ensemble led by the talented Soto, who performs internationally and teaches at one of his alma maters, Berklee College of Music. With these skills, Soto created adynamic experience, fluidly moving from airy, bright melodiesto dark, chaotic improvisation, all serving to make theexperience of the Bribri people vivid and emotional to thelistener. Soto donates all proceeds from this debut album tosupport the preservation of the Bribri culture.